Majority supports a gay couple at Bessastaðir according to poll

Majority supports a gay couple at Bessastaðir according to poll

A new Gallup survey shows that a majority of Icelanders would support a gay couple for the presidency if Iceland in the presidential elections in June.

The past couple of days have seen much speculation about the probability of dr. Baldur Þórhallsson, professor of political science, entering the presidential race with his partner, actor Felix Bergsson at his side.

Mr. President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson announced that he is not running for a sixth term, he has served as the president of Iceland since 1996 and there is much speculation in the country as to who his successor will be. A few have stepped forward, and some that have not, have nonetheless received generous support. Many were hopeful that Jón Gnarr former mayor would run, but he announced that he will not run at this time. Author and environmental activist Andri Snær Magnason has been named but he has neither confirmed nor denied the possibility. Writer and poetess Elísabet Jökulsdóttir has announced that she will run and former Mrs. World, Linda Pétursdóttir is said to be considering running, to name a few.

Dr. Baldur has however announced that he will in fact not run for president, much to the disappointment of many Icelanders rooting for a progressive president. 51.4% is positive according to Vísir citing the survey from Gallup. 17.1% being very positive, 34,4% rather positive and 20,6% rather negative. 27,9% is very negative. The survey counted 1438 participants and the number that gave a definite answer amounted to 859 individuals.

bessastadir little Bessastaðir, official presidential residence in Iceland

Dr. Baldur thanked Icelanders for the support in his press release while stating that he and his partner celebrate the support with a warm heart, the couple celebrated their 20th anniversary on February 15th. , that they have a good view overlooking Bessastaðir across the bay but they will not consider moving house, they love their current jobs, Dr. Baldur at the Universety and Felix at the National Broadcasting Service. The couple met 20 years ago and Dr. Baldur points out the enormous change in gay rights that has taken place since then; when they met they were not allowed to register as a couple, not to mention getting married and adopt children. He goes on to say that not in their wildest dreams would they have thought that a gay couple would have support for the presidency, continuing that it was a great feat when Mrs. president Vigís Finnbogadóttir came out as a supporter of the gay right champagne in 1996.

(Image by Baldur Þórhallsson 2013)