Click here if you want to follow the Elections in Iceland but don’t understand Icelandic
The general parliamentary elections in Iceland are to be held on Saturday 25 April and seven political parties are fighting for the interest of voters – of the seven, two are brand new. The parties are the Independence Party (Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn), Social Democratic Alliance (Samfylkingin), Left-Green Movement (Vinstrihreyfingin – grænt framboð), Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkurinn) and Liberal Party (Frjálslyndi flokkurinn).
The new parties, directly grown from the “Pots and Pans” revolution, are the Citizens’ Movement (Borgarahreyfingin) and the Democratic Movement (Lýðræðishreyfingin).
The latest poll (Capacent Gallup), done from the 19th of April to the 21st in Reykjavik South, showed that the Independence Party has gone from 39.2% to 22.6%, The Social Democratic Alliance are up from 29% to 34.7 and the Left-Green Movement are up from 14.4% to 27.6.
The new parties, the Citizens’ Movement and the Democratic Movement are showing 5,2% and 3%. The Progressive Party are in a similar neighbourhood with 6.3%, had 5.9% and finally the Liberal Party has gone down from 6.8% to 0.5%.
The ruling coalition in Iceland is expected to win the elections taking place this coming weekend.
General information on the elections are available at
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What are you complaining about, the UK fund managers should have known better when they invested or deposited in Icelandic banks in the past several years, the word was out in late 2005 that Iceland was already insolvent and headed for a crash. The fund managers looked for the highest returns so they could skim off high commissions and left the local authorities holding an empty bag, which by the way is not empty at all, since they will get back 80% of their investments, which happens to be a higher rate of return (or less loss) than if they had invested in the British stock market or real estate. As for the individual depositors most of them will get all their money back and besides if something seems to good to be true it probably is, no? What were they thinking? Didn’t they happen to notice that the financial sharks were shorting ISK in 2006? Hallo, anybody home? Blame the English financial “advisers” not Iceland who have sufffered and will suffer more than enough for their stupidity. And incidentally what about all the poor slobs who have lost money investing in England, including foreigners who hold British debt that UK will never pay back, since the country is essentialy insolvent and produces, and will produce, nothing that anyone wants. What do you say to the pensioners Karl-Heinz and Willi in Bavaria when the UK defaults on its debts? The british voted for their crappy, irresponsible government so you could say that are getting what they deserved, sorry, no sympathy here, take your complaints elsewhere, how about the house of commons.
It used to be a saying in England that if America sneezes,we in UK catch the cold in economic terms.
But now it seems that if Iceland is messed up we in UK also get messed up and UK folks have suffered badly . It is immoral that conman,hustlers,gamblers from Iceland should tempt UK citizens and Governement local authorties and charities to invest in those dodgy banks with high interest rates and then in turn local authorities send in bailiffs to collect rates,which are very high in UK,which are then invested in Icelandic banks and the illgotten gains are lost in banking poor englishmen and women,who are really desperate in the current economic times,and over twenty thousand elderly folks die each year as they cant afford heating and food as they have paid out for gas,electricity ,high council tax which are extracted by menace by local sheriif of nottingham are then sqaundered in Icelandic collapse so the poor englander just like the icelander suffers and not one is brought to book or shot(in the foot under local anesthetic) or dispossed from the ill gotten something is drastically wrong.I rest my case.
xX – no to vote
My vote:
None of the above.