Now in its fifth day of operation, a new law in Norway makes it a criminal act to pay for sexual favours both within the country and outside it if you’re a Norwegian citizen. Based partly on a similar law instituted by Sweden in 1999, it is expected to greatly reduce the number of prostitutes currently working the streets of Oslo.
The prostitutes selling their services, however, will not be liable to prosecution under the new law. Only the customers will face charges of buying sex. Those caught could be given six months in jail, a fine, or both. If the sexual act involves minors or other special circumstances, the penalties could be much greater.
Earth Times reported Justice Minister Knut Storberget as saying: “People are not goods for sale. With this law we wish to make it more difficult for human traffickers to ply their trade in Norway.” Police can use wiretaps at will to collect evidence on violators. Police have also been informing Oslo’s 700-odd prostitutes about the upcoming law, so they are prepared for a drop in business.
Critics contend the new law will just send prostitution underground, making it even harder to monitor and control. The hospitality industry in Oslo, however, welcomes the new legislation as it will hopefully put a cleaner face on the Norwegian capital for visitors.
Thailand is not a sex retreat Stan, Europeans just think it is. Actually it is a country, with people and culture.
But these laws will change things for certain. They will make conditions more unsafe for the women involved, and like banning anything, it will make it more expensive and more lucrative for those that control the prostitution in Oslo. This has nothing to do with helping the exploited and everything to do with making Oslo a more attractive capital for tourism and commerce.
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I didn’t say that.I don’t mean that is good thing to be a prostitute and must like it for my daughter,but i don’t wait by the state like a “bogy” to bann it and to decide for some people what they will do with their life.With the same rationale in some unliberal countries is banned to have extraconjugal activities or to be a homosexual.Except that,there is also strong hypocrisy with that law.For example,if the Swedish state is against prostitution must tell us why in their county is legal to produce or to watch porn movies? is this a type of prostituton(and of course more extreme) or not?
Check out “Happy Endings?” a documentary film on Asian massage parlors in Rhode Island where prostitution is legal. This film documents the fight for and against prostitution laws.
”criminal act to pay for sexual favours both within the country and outside it if you’re a Norwegian citizen.” Even in Thailand or other sex retreats?
lets hope you dont get a prostitite daugther or grand daughter that says she can do with her body what she wants, sure you wouldnt like it that much.
This is a racial law.When they talk about a “cleaner face in the capital” is like they consider the prostitutes rubbish and must clear them away.Such laws remind of dictature countries.People must be free to do their body whatever they want.
yes,prostitution is a criminal act ,often related to several crimes as violence,drugs…etc.The main challenge for that law,is sending prostitution underground and hence it needs more time to irradicate prostitution in the country.