An intoxicated Swede is facing criminal charges after he drove to a police station to pick up his friend who had been arrested for drunk driving earlier that day. The 28 year-old was breathalysed after staggering into a police station in Malmo, southern Sweden, where his companion was being held.
Parking the same car outside the station that his comrade had been picked up while driving, the man entered the foyer and began to argue with a security guard. He was then handed over to police who discovered his blood alcohol level to be well over the legal limit for driving in Sweden.
The 28 year-old admitted that he had been drinking earlier in the day but claimed he did not realise he was still under the influence when he woke in the night with a sudden urge to retrieve his buddy from the lock up.
“I didn’t feel drunk, but I had been drinking, so it was unnecessary and poorly thought out,” he told the local Skanska Dagbladet newspaper.