Norway: DNA confirms sock belonged to missing Sigrid

DNA testing has shown that a sock found at a Lavevien kindergarten is that of missing Norwegian teenager Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne.

Despite the confirmation, Police Inspector Hanne Kristin Rohde told the media that the evidence, “does not confirm any more than that her sock was found there,” the reports.

The sock was found along with a shoe by two boys at the kindergarten shortly after 16-year-old Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne disappeared whilst walking home from the Norway Cup on 4 August. The boys also found her iPhone, which was ringing at the time as the girl’s parents tried to contact her.

Police say they have received more than 1,000 tips from the public and that there is new information regarding vehicles parked in the vicinity of the school in Lavevien.

Inspector Rohde said of the matter, “There are many reasons why the public haven’t contacted us about this. The owner(s) of the car(s) have not been in touch,” according to the Foreigner.

Meanwhile, hundreds of volunteers continue to join the ongoing search for the missing teen. The group scoured Nøkkelvann area on Friday while police teams have covered the surrounding areas.