The National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police has decided to move the emergency phase back to alert phase for the eruption north of Vatnajökull glacier, which began at midnight and ended around 04:00 local time. This decision is taken in collaboration with the District Commissioners in Húsavík and Seyðisfjörður.
This decision is based on scientific evaluation of the situation. There is still significant seismic activity in the area and travelers are encouraged to follow news and for continued updates.
Restrictions on roads and areas in Jökulsárgljúfur canyon up to Dettifoss waterfall from the west-side, road 862, are still in effect, as well as other closures in the highlands north of Vatnajökull glacier.
At 10:00 UTC, the Icelandic Met Office changed the Aviation Colour Code for Bárðarbunga to ‘orange’, signifying that significant emission of ash into the atmosphere is unlikely. The aviation colour-code for the Askja volcano remains at ‘yellow’.