Danish jailbreak king at it again

Danish jailbreak king at it again

Danish jailbreak king at it againDenmark’s notorious jailbreak king Brian Bo Larsen is up to his old tricks again, this time escaping from Vridsloseselille state prison in the western Copenhagen suburb of Albertslund.

Copenhagen West Regional Police head of security Kim Svenningsen said that Larsen, 40, who has 22 jailbreaks to his name, escaped by sawing the bars off his cell window with a hacksaw before using one rope ladder to climb to the top of the roof and another to get back down again.

He revealed that they learnt he had broken out on Saturday morning, and admitted that they had no idea where he was at the time of speaking. He described the escape as “risky” given that it was 15 metres from the roof down to the ground.

Larsen was carrying out a seven-year term for armed robbery, but prison authorities were fully aware that he would attempt to escape at some point given that he had done so on so many occasions in the past.

He and 11 other inmates broke out of the same prison in 1995 after a large lorry crashed into the facility’s perimeter wall, leaving a large hole for the inmates to make a dash for.

He was even more daring in 2004, when after filling a container with leaves, he jumped into it just before it was due to be transported out the prison. When the driver emptied the container later that day, Larsen made a run for it.