Bjork cancels Iceland Airwaves and other gigs

Bjork cancels Iceland Airwaves and other gigs

Icelandic musician Bjork has cancelled a number of concerts scheduled for the coming months, including her homeland gig Iceland Airwaves, citing scheduling conflict.

The singer’s team released a statement in which they said she was really sorry for cancelling the concerts, but they had no control over the scheduling conflict. It went on to say that Bjork was unable to complete her remaining summer and autumn gigs as planned, and regretted that she had to call them off despite really looking forward to them.

The statement gave no further details on the scheduling conflict she referred to; however, organisers of Iceland Airwaves moved quickly to announce that anyone with tickets for the singer’s show at the Harpa Arena on 4 November would be refunded as soon as possible. The other concerts that have been cancelled are the La Route Du Rock and the Pitchfork Festival, both in France.

Bjork has a history of cancelling tour dates, doing so in 2008, 2011 and 2013 due to staging issues and medical problems.

In separate Bjork news, the remix project for her hit album Vulnicura is ongoing, with three new remixes being completed recently, as well as two vinyls that have been made available for pre-order.