Storm Warning – Better not Travel

Storm Warning – Better not Travel

There is no travel weather out there today so if you had a trip planned, better cancel or postpone. If you must travel please pay close attention to Vegagerdin, The Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration, and travel safe, you can also call them for further information, they have a hotline 1777 and 1778

Be advised that the ring road 1 is closed in many parts of the south cost and the southwest of the country. There is continuesly updated information here. Red roads on the image indicate closed roads, impassible for any vehicle, including 4×4 drive.

A storm is expected with 20-28 meters pr. second with even stronger gusts, in the south and south west of Iceland in the afternoon and moving north to north east tonight with considerable snow. Increasing easterly winds with snow, but slush (wet snow) in the southernmost part. East will see considerable snow, but slush or rain by the south coast. In fact pay attention to the weather in the coming days; there are precarious times ahead in terms of travel weather in Iceland.