Reykjavík – least Popular destination of the Nordics

Reykjavík – least Popular destination of the Nordics

According to a new collaborative Nordic survey Iceland’s capital, Reykjavik is the least sought after to live in of the major cities in the Nordic region. The south peninsulas are the second most popular places in the country, holding the 18th place on the list, after the capital, which holds the 10th place.

In general it’s the capitals that are the most sought after; the greater Copenhagen area, greater Helsinki area, greater Oslo area and Stockholm that occupy the top of the list when the countries are assessed; only two Icelandic areas reach the top twenty seats. The study shows that over the last twenty years, more than 97% of the population growth in the Nordic Region has occurred within the 30 largest functional urban areas.

A tablet in the survey under the chapter of demographics shows the population in growth in urban areas in the years of 1995-2015, Reykjavík showing the third fastest growth, at 35% after Oulu in Finland with 37,5% growth and Stavanger in Norway with 36,8% growth.

The research looks at demographic changes, labor force, economy, infrastructure and measurements of regional potentials, development and future prospect of selected areas.

Nordic countries are defined as Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark along with the Faroe Islands, Greenland and the Åland Islands

The survey was published only recently under the title; the State of the Nordic Region in 2016. Icelandic online news outlet Kjarninn reports the findings this morning.