President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson will run for a sixth term

President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson will run for a sixth term

Mr president Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson made it known in a press conference this afternoon that he does intend run for president again in the coming elections on June 25th. Grímson previously announced that he would not run for a sixth term, he has served as the president of Iceland for 20 years since 1996.

Mr. Grímsson said that if he were to loose the elections this year he would not take defeat with any hard feelings, “I would walk happily into freedom” he said. He mentioned that the past years have not been with out turmoil in Iceland and even if the nation had recuperated well after the financial crash in 2008 the current wave of protest in the wake of the Panama Paper leak shows that the situation is fragile.

He further told that numerous people had encouraged him to rethink he previous decision not to run and in light of recent events he could not overlook the fact that the camaraderie between the nation and parliament is currently loaded with tension and the events of the last few weeks have had critical influence on his decision to run, that the nation needs an experienced president at the helm now.