October – Month of Visual in Iceland. Artists’ will open their studio doors tomorrow

October – Month of Visual in Iceland. Artists’ will open their studio doors tomorrow

This October will from now on be called the month of visual arts in Iceland, expanding from the day of visual arts. The whole month there has been a variety of activities designed to raise awareness of visual art as a proper profession. Icelanders seem to have a tendency not to take art seriously and expect artists to work for free according to the association of Icelandic artists, who have worked hard to try to debunk this myth and tomorrow night there is a climax where the biggest artist studio building in Reykjavik will be open for public. It’s the building’s 10-year anniversary, it’s located at Seljavegur 32 and it’ to be celebrated tomorrow 22 October – between 4pm and 6pm and everyone is welcome.

At 4pm Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir, chairman of the board of The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists gives an opening speech and from 4:30 – 6 artists open their studios. The Association of Icelandic Film Photographers opens their facilities as well on second floor.

Its also a publishing party because the journal STARA no 7 – the association’s online magazine – will be published. This issue, and previous ones, are accessible on the association’s website. Artist Steinunn Eldflaug or dj Flugvél and Geimskip will entertain guests and artist Brynhildur Þorgeirsdóttir will stimulate the appetite.

Note that there are other open studios in the city on the same day. Locations are accessible on this map.