Chairwoman of the Left Green party, Katrin Jakobsdottir is meeting with the president Guðni Th. Johannesson today probably to give back the mandate to form a majority government after failed attempts these past days to form a five party majority with The Pirates, the Bright Future, Resurrection and the Social Democratic Alliance. This is the first time in Iceland’s history this happens and it would have been the first time in the countries history that there would have been an all left five party government majority in parliament.
The situation after the 2016 general election is a complicated one and it seems to be proofing next to impossible to form a clear majority. The conservative Independence party received 29,1% and 21 seats in in parliament. The Left Green 15,8% and 10 seats, Pirates got 14,4 % and 10 seats. The Progressive party received 5% and 8 seats, loosing 11 seats in parliament from the last elections. Resurrection received 10,4 % of the vote and 7 seats, a newly formed party and first time in parliament. Bright Future had 7,2% and 4 seats loosing two and the Social Democratic Alliance received 5,8% and 3 seats, loosing six seats.
The first mandate went to chairmen of the Independence party; Bjarni Benediksson and his attempted to form a government with the Bright Future and Resurrection failed and he returned the mandate. The party next in line, the Left Green party then received the mandate and Katrín Jakobsdottir lead the deliberations of a five party majority, which now seems to have failed. It is yet unclear what will be the next step, a press conference is to be held at Bessastadir (the presidential residence) following the meeting between Jakobsdottir and the president.