In fact your password might very well be available for anyone to retrieve with simple measures. Millions of passwords are accessible online and many of them are Icelandic. Only in Sweden some 10 million passwords are accessible to anyone who has interest.
Swedish TV station SVT delivered an investigative report into the issue and found 10 million Swedish to be assessable online. With the the help of a computer hacker the reporters found millions of passwords leaked to and online database. Finding them is relatively simple, you only need a persons e-mail to look it up.
Dan Egerstad was a known hacker who now works in the security sector. He informs that some databases are fragile more vulnerable to attacks than others, they are obtainable for free while some can simply be bought.
RUV reports that SVT has a website where people are able check if individual e-mail addresses have a leaked password. A loose examination reveals that a number of Icelandic passwords are readily available online.