Krossmiðlun conference breaks down GDPR

Krossmiðlun conference breaks down GDPR

The fifth Krossmiðlun (CrossMedia) conference was held in September which attracted over 300 visitors to the event in Reykjavik.

Krossmiðlun is one of the biggest marketing conferences held in Iceland, the COO of host company Pipar\TBWA Vigdis Johannsdottir stated ‘we have to keep seeking bigger venues to meet demand’ adding that ‘the conference is the result of the need to learn new things and keep up to date, after the fifth successful conference we have kept that goal’.

Baker Lambert

Baker Lambert, Keynote speaker

From left to right: Elvar Páll Sigurðsson, Baker Lambert, Edda Blumenstein, Sami Salmenkivi & Valgeir Magnússon

The conference topic this year was GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), a new policy that began in May 2018, which affects the processing of personal data commercially used by companies and how it is stored. The regulation has a big impact on the advertising industry, transparent reasons must be established as to why the data is being collected which will result in big changes to how most companies have collected the data before.

Conference audiencePipar/TBWA is an Icelandic advertising agency collaborating with TBWA Worldwide that offers social media planning, advertising, marketing services and consultancy. The company uses their platform, the Disruption, to recreate the relationships between clients and companies to adapt and thrive in the ever-changing age of new media.

Many speakers from Pipar\TBWA have worked to prepare for the regulation changes for their clients and shared various strategies on how to innovatively use the data whilst following the regulation to not only continue advertisement but to improve it. Each speaker came from different departments of stages in the advertising process; Keynote speaker and Global Data Director for TBWA\Worldwide Baker Lambert, Global Strategy Director for TBWA Sami Salmenkivi, Consultant of policy for Omni Channel Edda Blumenstein, Digital Marketing Specialist Elvar Páll Sigurðsson, and special guest speaker Sue B Zimmerman also known as The Instagram Expert.

To keep up with updates about next year’s Krossmiðlun conference and other projects of Pipar\TBWA,  Facebook and Linkedin can provide further information.