Little Grey and Little White continue to do well in Iceland

Little Grey and Little White continue to do well in Iceland

Beluga whales Little Grey and Little White continue to do well in Iceland and have settled into their temporary care pool following their epic journey from China to their new home.

The whales are healthy and in good spirit but based on their progress and the changing weather conditions in Iceland their caretakers have taken the decision that they will be moved to the sanctuary bay in spring 2020. There was a plan to move them quicker but the process of preparing Little Grey and Little White for their life in the sanctuary has taken longer than anticipated.

Originally the intention was to relocate the belugas from China to Iceland in April this year but because of bad weather, this was postponed until June. This delay shortened the ‘favorable weather window’, planned to use to support Little Grey and Little White’s acclimatization to life in their new home in Klettsvik Bay, Vestmanneyjar.

This short delay should allow Little Grey and Little White to prepare for their new life in a much more natural environment than they have been used and ensure they are ready for their new long-term home in 2020.
