Strongest earthquake of 2022 in Iceland detected

Strongest earthquake of 2022 in Iceland detected

On Wednesday 13th April, the strongest earthquake of 2022 in Iceland was detected at 22:20 in the Reykjanestá area, states RÚV.

Nature conservation specialist at the Icelandic Meteorological Office, Einar Bessi Gestsson, explained that there’s still some seismic activity at the site. Yet, it’s too early to say if the situation is serious or not.

The earthquake reached a magnitude of 3.9, with six smaller earthquakes following the event, roughly each hitting a magnitude of 3.

Gestsson noted that activity has since decreased, but small seismic activity has still been measured.

The Reykjanestá area is home to several submarine volcanoes and is situated within the westernmost volcanic system, Reykjanes volcanic zone (RVZ).