According to a recently published survey by the National Media Audit (KMT), ninety-five percent of people in Finland over the age of 15 read newspapers. This number equates to over 4.1 million people in Finland.
Eighty-six percent of people in the country said that they read newspaper content digitally. Fifty-five percent of people still read the news in print, most of whom are over 65 years old. The ratio of people between the ages of 15 and 34 is only thirty percent still reading newspapers in print.
In general, newspaper reading is evenly distributed across a number of demographics ranging from 94 to 98 percent across income groups, 90 to 97 percent across age groups, and 90 to 98 percent across occupational groups.
The study was commissioned by the National Media Audit, with 23,508 people in mainland Finland taking part in the survey.