World’s Best Cheese: Norway claims top spot with ‘Nidelven Blå’

World’s Best Cheese: Norway claims top spot with ‘Nidelven Blå’

Norway has recently taken the top spot at the 2023 World Cheese Awards with the ‘Nidelven Blå’, a semi-solid blue mold cheese from the producer Gangstad Gårdsysteri.

The World Cheese Awards is an annual International cheese show and competition based at the Trondheim Spektrum in Norway, now in the 35th edition of the event.

The 2023 World Cheese Awards saw 4502 cheeses on display from across the world. The winning cheese was a local semi-solid blue mold cheese called Nidelven Blå from Gangstad Gårdsysteri.

One judge described the winning cheese as possessing a “short creaminess” akin to “real dense fudginess.” Another praised it as being “the perfect blue cheese.”

Maren Gangstadt, General Manager at Gangstad Gårdsysteri expressed her enjoyment of winning, especially in their home city.