The Finnish Poultry Association has announced it has denied the U.S.’ request for supplies of eggs from Finland to the North American country.
Speaking to Yle, Veera Lehtilä, the Finnish Poultry Association’s Executive Director, explained that exporting eggs to the U.S. is not possible at the moment due to the lack of market access negotiations between both countries.
“Launching exports is not a simple matter since there are no agreed rules in place,” commented Lehtilä.
Lehtilä noted that exporting eggs to the U.S. would require a lot of investigation and red tape and that exporting eggs would not be of much benefit to the U.S.
“Millions of birds have had to be culled there because of bird flu. We have four million laying hens in total in Finland. The amount we could export would not solve their egg shortage,” said Lehtilä.