Runner finishes run across Iceland’s ring road for charity

A British runner has finished a charity run across Iceland’s ring road, completing the 786-mile (1,265km) distance in 17 days.

Sebastian Key ran the famous ring road in Iceland to raise money for the charity Children With Cancer UK after his younger sister was diagnosed with a brain tumor at only 11 weeks old.

During the feat, Key ran the equivalent of two marathons (42km) per day, which he split into four sections with food breaks in between.

Key explained that he had to wrestle “hectic” weather and various injuries including Achilles tendinitis and tenosynovitis in his feet. However Key said that it was “absolutely” worth it. Some days, the wind so strong he “couldn’t even run in a straight line”.

Key hopes to have claimed the world record for the feat, as the only other known run across Iceland’s ring road was completed in 27 days.

Image: Instagram