Development of Biodegradable fishing gear begins in Norway

Norwegian scientists have started developing biodegradable fishing gear to reduce the number of harmful microplastics in the ocean.

Among the conventional fishing gear to be replaced by their biodegradable counterparts include nets, lines, and synthetic ropes, which can release harmful microplastics and endanger marine life.

Conventional fishing gear that’s either lost or discarded is a major contributor to the ocean’s plastic pollution. These microplastics that are released can then contaminate marine food chains.

Research Scientist at SINTEF, Christian Karl, comments, “Fishing gear remains in situ for a long time, and in practice, turns the ocean into a plastic landfill site.”

A four-step plan has been outlined, including developing biodegradable fishing gear, designing simpler gear for recyclability, supporting industrial-scale production, and ensuring effective recycling.

“An important aim is, therefore, to develop materials and fishing gear which are user-friendly during what we call the ‘service period,’ but then degrade rapidly,” explained Karl.