Happy New Year 2008
We hope you’ve had a great year in 2007 and all the best of luck, good health and great happiness for 2008. Thank you for a great 2007, we know ...
We hope you’ve had a great year in 2007 and all the best of luck, good health and great happiness for 2008. Thank you for a great 2007, we know ...
The weather has picked up and it looks like the annual shooting fest of the Icelanders may be severely dampened this year. But it might still calm dow...
For 2007 Baugur Group has decided that instead of producing the annual New Year’s TV greeting, the company will support The Sun Fund. The fund was est...
As with the rest of Iceland the capital Reykjavik is renowned for its fantastic new year’s eve (Icelanders call it Gamlarskvold) celebrations, a...
Bjarni Ármannsson, former CEO of Glitnir Bank, signed an agreement, after closing of market on Friday 21st of December, to buy 12% of Glitnir Property...
The 18-year-old Icelandic race driver Kristjan Einar is one of the newest entries in round two of the Toyota Racing Series at Ruapuna, New Zealand. En...
The President of Finland met with the Cabinet Committee on Foreign and Security Policy on Friday to discuss the country’s role in stabilising Afghanis...
Reuters reports thtat Consumer confidence in Iceland is up 1.4 % in December from last month, but is down over 15 % from 2006. Figures from market res...