Denmark fourth for recycled Obama punchline
Barack Obama has been caught out using a recycled sound-bite to praise Denmark. The US President rolled out his favourite boxing pun – used to f...
Barack Obama has been caught out using a recycled sound-bite to praise Denmark. The US President rolled out his favourite boxing pun – used to f...
Young Danish criminals actually prefer being in prison than at home and see their incarceration as a holiday, according to a new report.
A Swedish bank robber, who locked himself in a Danish safety deposit vault over a weekend, was caught after police extracted his DNA from a bag of uri...
Denmark’s most famous literary prince was probably from Ireland, according to a British expert.
Political parties in Greenland and the Faroe Islands are calling on the Danish government to investigate whether Greenlandic, Danish and Faroese airsp...
Scientists are set to use wi-fi technology to study how glaciers in Greenland break up to form icebergs. The satellite navigation sensors will be drop...
Denmark’s first injection room for heroin users has opened, despite warnings from police that they will arrest anyone found taking drugs there.
The mother of Julian Assange has condemned the decision to extradite her son to Sweden as “political and legal gang rape”.