Cairn Energy makes deal for two Greenland rigs
Cairn Energy has announced a significant step forward in its hunt for oil in Greenland after securing two rigs for its drilling campaign.
Cairn Energy has announced a significant step forward in its hunt for oil in Greenland after securing two rigs for its drilling campaign.
A controversial Islamist organisation is encouraging armed resistance against Scandinavian soldiers, prompting renewed calls to ban the group from Den...
A genetic mutation linked to possible violent outbursts and impulsivity has been found in male criminals in Finland. The mutation, known as HTR2B, was...
A 33-year-old Swedish woman who strangled her mother with a dog lead after killing her friend with a piece of wire has been sentenced to life in jail.
A report from the Arts Council of Finland shows that the level of corporate financial support between 1999 and 2008 fell from €46 million to just €17 ...
The two Swedish women whose accusations of rape and sexual molestation blew the lid on the WikiLeaks saga are keeping well out of the spotlight.
People who fail to pick up their pooch’s poo are more annoying than those who cheat on their partners, fiddle their taxes or talk about your sweethear...
The Supreme Court in Norway has cancelled the sentencing of a Bosnia-born man found guilty of war crimes, saying the law could not be applied retroact...