Icelanders look into investments in Belarus
A group of Icelandic businessmen from five companies in Iceland traveled to Belarus to research and learn more about possible investments in the count...
A group of Icelandic businessmen from five companies in Iceland traveled to Belarus to research and learn more about possible investments in the count...
Among the many investors who have been visiting the Asbru health village near Keflavik International Airport in southwest Iceland are Otto Nordhus of ...
Last night (Sunday) a thief who was partying and possibly drunk broke into an apartment in Akureyri and stole a DVD player and computer printer. The a...
On Wednesday, 1 July, the Icelandic Coast Guard, or locally known as Landhelgisgæslan, celebrated their anniversary. At 1500 (3pm) local time, the new...
Fridrik Sophusson has stepped down as the director of the National Power Company of Iceland, better known locally as Landsvirkjun. He announced that h...
Credit and debit card use in Iceland has reduced considerably so far this year. Household credit card turnover rates dropped about 13.8 percent from J...
“We have already put in an advertisement here in the local paper in Selfoss and also decided to advertise in the New York Times. There is a slight dif...
The First Lady of Iceland, Dorrit Moussaieff, has been sued by her neighbour in London, Tiggy Butler. Butler, who is also an interior designer, has be...