Glacier exhibition in Reykjavik – A milestone for the Icelandic Museum of Natural History
The Icelandic Museum of Natural History recently signed a contract with Perla Nordursins holding company about housing large-scale exhibitions about I...
The Icelandic Museum of Natural History recently signed a contract with Perla Nordursins holding company about housing large-scale exhibitions about I...
It looks like Icelandic football fans will make up about 25% of the audience in the stadiums where Iceland will be playing. The stadiums can seat from...
The past few days have seen a swarm of tremors around Katla volcano, but yesterday they reached over a 3 in magnitude or up to 3.6. According to repor...
The Icelandic National Day is today, 17 June, celebrating the foundation of The Republic of Iceland on 17 June 1944 and its independence from Danish r...
The municipality of the Vestman Islands and Merlin Entertainment are looking into the possibility to establish a Whale sanctuary for captive whales by...
After an even match last night the Iceland National football team finally scored and secured a victory over the Croatian team by scoring a goal at the...
A group of seven Icelandic women are currently crossing Europe’s biggest Icecap, Vatnajökull glacier. This is the first time a group of women make suc...
A recent Icelandic study found that fish consumption in teenage years might help prevent breast and prostate cancer later in live, Iceland Monitior re...