Iceland’s ISPs may follow Britain’s default porn block
Internet service providers in Iceland may move to apply default pornography blockers on content sent to computers and mobile devices.
Internet service providers in Iceland may move to apply default pornography blockers on content sent to computers and mobile devices.
State-backed alcohol retailer Systembolaget will soon launch home delivery services. Officials from the company said at the weekend that it had been g...
Tobacco giant Phillip Morris has lost a court battle to again allow Norwegian retailers to visibly display tobacco products for sale in stores. The ru...
Reports suggested this week that the unemployment rate in Iceland remained stable throughout August. Figures released by the Directorate of Labour in ...
Telecom companies in Denmark may soon bar consumers from using Skype and similar programs on their mobile networks.
Super Jeep tour provider SuperJeep.is is offering Northern Lights tours in Iceland for the upcoming winter travel period.
Japanese carmaker Nissan has recalled thousands of vehicles worldwide after a Finnish cameraman reported a steering wheel fault last month. Officials ...
The father of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has said his son could spend up to a year in the Embassy of Ecuador in London.