Iceland’s recovery continues, declared ‘impressive’
Experts continue to praise Iceland’s recovery success after the country’s bank bailouts of 2008.
Experts continue to praise Iceland’s recovery success after the country’s bank bailouts of 2008.
Wikileaks figurehead Julian Assange has urged Washington to end its Wikileaks ‘witch hunt’ after he was given amnesty by Ecuador last week.
Principal production is underway in Iceland for the Biblical epic, ‘Noah’, which will star Australian superstar Russell Crowe.
Current electricity rates in Sweden cost a fraction of those in Finland, according to a recent YLE report.
Anti-immigration party head Pia Kjaersgaard has announced that she is to resign from the Danish People’s Party.
Iceland’s current Coalition government is at risk of being torn apart over the handling of the country’s proposed EU membership bid, a top official ha...
A Danish expat was rescued off the coast of Western Australia at the weekend after 20 hours in cold, shark-infested waters.
Sweden’s moderate MP Johnny Munkhammar has died from cancer at the age of 37.