Swedish Green Party wants to make Women’s Day a holiday
Sweden’s Green Party have said that it wants International Women’s Day (IWD) to be made a national holiday and claimed gender equality has deteriorate...
Sweden’s Green Party have said that it wants International Women’s Day (IWD) to be made a national holiday and claimed gender equality has deteriorate...
Greenland’s athletes will join their counterparts from other Arctic nations in the Arctic Winter Games later this month in Fairbanks, Alaska.
Sweden has selected female singer Sanna Nielsen as its representative for this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen.
The Finnish Football Association has announced that it has withdrawn its bid for Helsinki to be a host city for the European Championships in 2020.
Copenhagen Airport will see a decline in the number of passengers using it this year because of the ongoing economic uncertainty, predicted airport ex...
A Norwegian businessman is to open a sex shop in the country’s northern Arctic region close to the Russian border after discovering a gap in the marke...
The stand-off between the Faroe Islands and the EU over fishing quotas is showing no signs of easing off. The Faroese government remains at loggerhead...
Denmark has been ranked in the top five EU nations where economic inequality has widened the most from 2008 to 2012.