Swedish landlord reported over sexual demands
A Swedish landlord is under investigation after police were told he demanded sex from a tenant in exchange for a flat he was renting out.
A Swedish landlord is under investigation after police were told he demanded sex from a tenant in exchange for a flat he was renting out.
Lapland loses out on millions of euros in tourism money each year because of poor flight connections, a Lapland Regional Council study has shown.
Norway’s biggest energy company Statoil is considering quitting west Greenland in an effort to cut costs. The exploration licences are something the c...
Icelandic trawler Helga Maria has returned to sea in its new role as a fresh fish catcher. The trawler, which was previously named the Haraldur Kristj...
Environmentalists have welcomed the news that a controversial whale meal beer has been banned by Icelandic authorities.
A fire at Norway’s heritage village of Lærdalsøyri has destroyed dozens of buildings last Saturday night and left scores of people needing hospital tr...
Denmark is set to reopen its embassy in the Philippines capital Manila in August after closing its doors back in 2002, the Department of Foreign Affai...
A 90-year-old Danish man survived eight hours in freezing conditions after getting lost in a snowstorm in Hjallerup, northern Jutland, on Saturday.