Electric cars in Norway: Petrol-driven vehicles outnumbered by electric cars
The number of electric cars in Norway has now exceeded the amount of petrol-driven cars in the country, according to the Norwegian Road Federation. No...
The number of electric cars in Norway has now exceeded the amount of petrol-driven cars in the country, according to the Norwegian Road Federation. No...
Sweden’s highway network is set to build the world’s first permanent electric road in the country by 2025, which will allow electric vehicles to charg...
The Norwegian government is conducting a national experiment that will incentivize the consumer purchase of electric cars in a new approach to dealing...
Norwegian scientists have claimed that electric cars may be just as bad, or even worse, for the environment than traditional automobiles.
The Icelandic company Northern Lights Energy (NLE) has signed a letter of intent with the U.S. company AMP Electric Vehicles to sell one thousand elec...