Britain reconsiders assaults on Iceland
Icelandic TV Channel 2 informed that a letter was sent from Downing street 10 to the Icelandic Embassy last night. The cabinet of Gordon Brown sent a ...
Icelandic TV Channel 2 informed that a letter was sent from Downing street 10 to the Icelandic Embassy last night. The cabinet of Gordon Brown sent a ...
Dear Geir, I am writing to express my concern about the action taken by the Icelandic authorities in relation to the Icelandic banking system and I ho...
According to head of the International Monetary Fund’s policy committee, Youssef Boutros-Ghali, “Financial policymakers from 180 nations a...
Delegations from Iceland and the United Kingdom have met in a friendly atmosphere in Reykjavik to discuss issues of mutual interest related to the cur...
During a meeting with the Icelandic Independence party this morning, PM Geir H. Haarde didn’t mince words about the British authorities. Accordi...
After constructive deliberations, the Dutch and Icelandic governments have agreed on a solution regarding the Dutch depositors of Landsbanki IceSave s...
Ossur Skarphedinsson, the Icelandic cabinet minister, was very happy about the outcomes of meetings about the deposits in Icelandic banks in the Nethe...
“Lithuania should be helping Iceland in it’s financial crisis,” says MP Petras Austrevicius of the liberal party in Lithuania and co...