Fishing season underway in Iceland
Trawlers have revealed that they have enjoyed excellent fishing conditions since the beginning of the new fishing year. Bjarni Gardarsson, captain of ...
Trawlers have revealed that they have enjoyed excellent fishing conditions since the beginning of the new fishing year. Bjarni Gardarsson, captain of ...
Iceland has spoken of its anger about being left out of an Arctic fishing moratorium, which was signed by the US, Canada, Russia, Norway and Denmark. ...
Icelandic Group has bought the state-of-the-art water-jet cutting robot FleXicut, known for its efficiency in detecting and removing fish bones. The d...
Iceland’s catch value decreased by 11 per cent to 136 billion kronor last year, according to the most recent data from Statistics Iceland. The total v...
Icelandic Foreign Minister Jon Hannibalsson has outlined the reasons why the North Atlantic nation will not be joining the EU. Despite formal negotiat...
Iceland fishing company HB Grandi is monitoring Fisk Seafood’s recently installed ice-free system as it mulls over doing the same on its new fresh tra...
Icelandic fishing company HB Grandi has recorded profit increases of 20 million euros in the third quarter of the year, a year-on-year jump of 106 per...
Iceland revealed it failed to reach a deal with “one coastal state”, thought to be Norway, as mackerel talks in London came to a close on Thursday....