Icelandic Althingi Parliament says yes to Icesave
33 MPs voted yes to the Icesave Bill, 30 said no. The voting lasted over three hours and was at times fierce and personal. It is now up to the Iceland...
33 MPs voted yes to the Icesave Bill, 30 said no. The voting lasted over three hours and was at times fierce and personal. It is now up to the Iceland...
The Icelandic parliament is in turmoil in the third and final debate over Icesave. The parliament’s Budget Committee received last minute commun...
On October 15th 2009, the Icelandic organisation, InDefence published a press release updating its opinion on the Icesave dispute as viewed from Icela...
These were comments made by Bjarni Benediktsson, Inpendence Party leader when asked about the new Icesave agreement. Hoskuldur Thorhallsson, speaking ...
PRESS RELEASE FROM THE ICELANDIC GOVERNMENT: * Principal conditions set by the Icelandic Althingi incorporated in supplementary agreements * Acceptanc...
According to the Prime Minister of Iceland, Johanna Sigurdardottir the solution indroduced today is the best option in a bad situation. She and Steing...
The Icelandic government has been meeting this morning to talk again about the Icesave issue, since changes were made to the first agreement by the Ic...
Press statement from the Government of Iceland – 28.08.2009 Parliament approves state guarantee for Icesave loans Today, following 10 weeks of d...