Icelandic whaler unimpressed with anti-whaling petition
Icelandic whaler Kristjan Loftsson has been left feeling dismayed by an anti-whaling petition that has so far gathered more than a million signatures....
Icelandic whaler Kristjan Loftsson has been left feeling dismayed by an anti-whaling petition that has so far gathered more than a million signatures....
Computer hackers from Denmark have exposed two suspected paedophiles in what they say is an attempt to clean up the web.
A debate has been sparked over a new website featuring secretly snapped photos of attractive men riding the Stockholm metro.
A 15 year-old boy has become the youngest Swede ever to be charged with violating copyright laws after uploading 24 films onto internet filesharing si...
Finnish police have promised to monitor the internet more closely for so-called ‘weak signals’ in the wake of the twin terror attacks in Norway.
A dating website which encourages married people to have affairs has prompted a record number of complaints to the advertising ombudsman in Sweden.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been denied permanent residence in Sweden by the National Migration Board. The Australian citizen applied for a r...