Whaling is out this Summer
There will be no whaling of the coast of Iceland this summer primarily because there has been great difficulty getting the product, whale meat, sold o...
There will be no whaling of the coast of Iceland this summer primarily because there has been great difficulty getting the product, whale meat, sold o...
Whale hunting nations have denied the United Nations the ability to have greater influence on whaling policies.
Finnish mobile phone giant Nokia has announced that its supply could be disrupted by the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
Fears of possible radioactive leakages from explosions at a nuclear plant in Japan have prompted Finns to rush to the shops for iodine.
An attempt to agree on a compromise between whaling nations and their opponents has failed. The Two days of private discussion were held by the Intern...
Actavis Group and Japan’s ASKA Pharmaceutical have formally signed an agreement establishing a joint company: Actavis ASKA K.K. with its head office i...
Actavis announced a preliminary agreement with ASKA Pharmaceutical concerning the establishment of a joint company: Actavis ASKA Co., Ltd. The plan is...
Reuters reports that according to Japan’s finance minister Shoichi Nakagawa Japan is ready to back up a bail-out plan for the struggling economi...