Finland not exempt from WikiLeaks exposure
Around 600 secret documents released by the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks reportedly originated from Helsinki’s U.S. Embassy.
Around 600 secret documents released by the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks reportedly originated from Helsinki’s U.S. Embassy.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange remains wanted worldwide after a Swedish court rejected his appeal against an arrest warrant for rape.
Swedish weapons were used by both sides in the Iraq war, according to around 400,000 classified U.S. files released by WikiLeaks last week. The websit...
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been denied permanent residence in Sweden by the National Migration Board. The Australian citizen applied for a r...
Prosecutors in Sweden have defended their decision to issue and then withdraw an arrest warrant on rape charges against Wikileaks founder Julian Assan...
Wikileaks founder and spokesman Julian Assange said that the site will be revealing some fifteen thousand more documents in addition to the documents ...