Xmas spruce Scrooge saving suggestion scrapped
Not wanting to be seen as Scrooges, the Norwegian capital Oslo has decided against scrapping its annual Christmas tree gifts to Rotterdam, Reykjavik a...
Not wanting to be seen as Scrooges, the Norwegian capital Oslo has decided against scrapping its annual Christmas tree gifts to Rotterdam, Reykjavik a...
A Swedish woman who won the jackpot on a scratch card is reportedly suing her daughter for nabbing the prize money.
A new report from the Danish government has claimed that strict immigration policies save billions of euros each year.
Denmark’s contribution to enforcing the no-fly zone in Libya has so far cost the country around DEK 31.5 million (EUR 4.2 million), with the figure st...
A clairvoyant con artist who allegedly scammed millions of kronor from superstitious Swedes has been arrested after evading capture for years.
An anti-bike theft scheme that cost Copenhagen City Council millions has been scrapped after just two bicycles were returned to their rightful owners ...
A Swedish salesman is warning workers not to be duped, after he was paid just two kronor (EUR 0.20) for a month’s work due to a clause in his contract...
Two would-be-robbers got more than they bargained for in central Sweden this week when a retired professional boxer proved he can still pack a punch.