Swede attempts kitchen nuclear reactor
A Swedish man who tried to set up a nuclear reactor in his home has said his experiment was “under control” but “crazy”.
A Swedish man who tried to set up a nuclear reactor in his home has said his experiment was “under control” but “crazy”.
A top Swedish official has branded Germany’s announcement that it will be decommissioning its nuclear power stations by 2022 as “unrealistic.”
Fears of possible radioactive leakages from explosions at a nuclear plant in Japan have prompted Finns to rush to the shops for iodine.
The contentious issue of nuclear safety has been addressed in a white paper by the Norwegian government.
The Finnish government has endorsed applications from two companies for the construction of two new nuclear reactors.
Years of stout opposition towards nuclear energy is fading, as global warming causes increased acceptance.
The state-owned power company Vattenfall has unveiled plans that may lead to at least one new Swedish nuclear power station, according to a press stat...
A second uranium enrichment plant in Iran has led Norway to join other countries in expressing its concern over the disclosure, claiming that the plan...