Kings Of The Arctic Need Their Hotspots Better Protected
Arctic Hotspots are defined by scientists as those part of the Arctic ocean where marine mammals find their food, mate, grow up and rest. Not just the...
Arctic Hotspots are defined by scientists as those part of the Arctic ocean where marine mammals find their food, mate, grow up and rest. Not just the...
Whale watching is a well known part of High North tourism, where thousands sail out each year from various ports in the North Atlantic hoping to see t...
A video was captured last week of new born baby harbour seals and their mothers on a skerry in Isafjardardjup, showing the bond forming between mother...
The World Trade Organisation has been reassured by Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus that they will impose a ban on the import and export of seal skins f...
A harbour master from the UK is claiming that local seals are being butchered by a Greenland shark. Donald Low, who lives in Fife, Scotland, believes ...
Greedy seals are leaving fishermen in Finland and Sweden with scraps, as they pick the nets clean and scoop the prize catches in the Gulf of Bothnia.