Current coalition government seems doomed in upcoming elections
With only nine days to Election Day on 29 October, the conservative Independence Party and Iceland’s Pirate Party are the country’s most popular parti...
With only nine days to Election Day on 29 October, the conservative Independence Party and Iceland’s Pirate Party are the country’s most popular parti...
Danish police are to ask convicted burglars to fill out surveys in the hope gleaning information on how best to catch them.
Despite most Finns being happy to welcome a member of another religion into their family, the majority hold negative views on Islam, according to new ...
Danes are leading the way when it comes to having multiple sexual partners but are unlikely to dabble in same sex relationships, according to a new re...
Eighty-six percent of Norwegians believe that their country is almost the perfect place to live, although public services still seem to show room for ...
The consistency with which Sweden ranks highly amongst the world’s ratings for quality living standards is in jeopardy, following the publication of a...
Kamratposten, the biggest Swedish children’s magazine, has revealed its latest annual survey with much of the public focus expected around the questio...