School stress affected by gender
Boys react differently to girls when it comes to dealing with stress at school, according to a study by the Academy of Finland.
Boys react differently to girls when it comes to dealing with stress at school, according to a study by the Academy of Finland.
Stockholm police have admitted they are making little progress in quelling the phenomenon known as “vodka-mobile”, which sees teens ordering alcohol d...
Finland has this week enacted the strictest anti-smoking laws in the world, which aim to phase out the habit altogether by preventing teenagers from e...
A new study has confirmed the image of heavy drinking Danes, with reports of 25 youths dying from alcohol abuse since 2002.
Medical experts and Danish council members have claimed that the number of children being sent for psychological evaluation is exceedingly high.
The Danish Liberal Party’s spokeswoman for social affairs Ellen Trane Norby has called for the minimum age of criminal liability to be done away with ...
The June murder of a 15 year-old girl in a wooded area near the Stockholm suburb of Stureby has been officially attributed to her two teen friends ove...
Figures just released from Denmark’s National Patient Registry indicate a substantial rise in the number of teenage girls who have been admitted to ho...