Remotely shared green data center in Iceland established using Intel and HP technologies
A new green data center has been established using Intel and HP technologies in Iceland that allows for the academic research infrastructure organisat...
Topics and News related to Denmark
A new green data center has been established using Intel and HP technologies in Iceland that allows for the academic research infrastructure organisat...
Last Friday saw the Danish capital release its budget scheme for 2013 which will see the city seek to enhance green projects and boost investment in e...
A crackdown on drug dealers in the Danish capital has resulted in the arrest of 22 individuals suspected of dealing cocaine. The effort took place dur...
Economic experts have said that Denmark is becoming less competitive. The news came last week via the World Economic Forum, which said in its Global C...
China’s VP has cancelled a meeting with Danish premier Helle Thorning-Schmidt. The news came amid the PM’s three-day trip to the Asian country.
Ruth Christensen, prominent member of the Mund-og Fodmalende Kunstnere (MFK), the Danish arm of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists (AM...
Danish authorities have broken up an international bike theft ring in the Danish capital.
A local member of the right-wing Danish Peoples’ Party (DF) has been excluded from membership after making anti-Islam comments online under a fake nam...