New Gun Law proposal to allow house searches in Finland
Finland’s parliament is proposing a new gun law that would grant police the right to search and inspect people’s homes without a search warrant, Finni...
Topics and News related to Finland
Finland’s parliament is proposing a new gun law that would grant police the right to search and inspect people’s homes without a search warrant, Finni...
When most people think of nudist colonies, Finland rarely comes to mind. But the sauna-loving Finns are beginning to embrace the idea of going au natu...
Finland is considering giving political asylum to former prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, which is due to be closed down by the United States. The base wi...
Recalling the days of Viking raids, an act of piracy occurred in Swedish waters involving a Finnish cargo ship crewed by Russians. At first glance, an...
Fighting broke out again between a group of Finnish and Swedish soldiers and insurgents in Sar-i-Pol in Afghanistan on Monday around 16.00 (GMT). Ther...
The President of Finland, Tarja Halonen, received a phone call from the International Space Station on Monday. Astronaut Timothy L. Kopra initiated th...
There are several types of mushrooms in Finland these days which are still affected by the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown incident. These mushrooms are st...
It has been a busy week in the hinterlands of northern Afghanistan, where soldiers from the Nordic nations were engaged in heavy fighting. Swedish and...