Prime Minister of Iceland urges IMF to continue Economic Programme
Prime Minister’s Office, Press Release : “I would like to emphasize that the Economic Programme in co-operation with the IMF should continue wit...
Prime Minister’s Office, Press Release : “I would like to emphasize that the Economic Programme in co-operation with the IMF should continue wit...
The ‘Energy for Debt’ proposal is able to revitalise the Icelandic economy very quickly and direct structural development in the right (i....
Below is the Interview taken last night at the BBC with Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, President of Iceland, because of his stand in regards of Icesave. The ...
(OFFICIAL TRANSLATION) The collapse of our banks and the difficulties following in the wake of the world economic crisis have created profound difficu...
33 MPs voted yes to the Icesave Bill, 30 said no. The voting lasted over three hours and was at times fierce and personal. It is now up to the Iceland...
The Icelandic parliament is in turmoil in the third and final debate over Icesave. The parliament’s Budget Committee received last minute commun...
These were comments made by Bjarni Benediktsson, Inpendence Party leader when asked about the new Icesave agreement. Hoskuldur Thorhallsson, speaking ...
According to the Prime Minister of Iceland, Johanna Sigurdardottir the solution indroduced today is the best option in a bad situation. She and Steing...