Breivik planned Obama ceremony bombing
Confessed Norwegian gunman Anders Breivik was planning to bomb the Obama Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in 2009, according to reports.
Confessed Norwegian gunman Anders Breivik was planning to bomb the Obama Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in 2009, according to reports.
Recent figures have shown that Swedes are increasingly opting for city life. According to a recent report released by the Sydsvenskan newspaper, the c...
With the summer months fast approaching, Grímsborgir Guest Houses on the Golden Circle tour route in South Iceland is preparing for the seasonal rush....
Bustravel, a leading Iceland travel and tour provider, is gearing up to offer puffin tours to those on holiday in Iceland this summer as the country’s...
SuperJeep.is, a leading Super Jeep tour provider, is offering glacier tours to Iceland’s spectacular Jökulsárlón glacial lagoon. This one-of-a-kind gu...
The Bahrainian government has turned down Denmark’s request to send a jailed activist on hunger strike to the European country.
Sweden is the most generous nation in terms of developmental aid donations, the OECD said last week.
Valitor, a leading cross boarder acquiring solutions provider, has partnered up with Oberthur Technologies, and Visa Europe to launch Iceland’s first ...