Icelandic Althingi Parliament says yes to Icesave
33 MPs voted yes to the Icesave Bill, 30 said no. The voting lasted over three hours and was at times fierce and personal. It is now up to the Iceland...
Topics and News related to Iceland
33 MPs voted yes to the Icesave Bill, 30 said no. The voting lasted over three hours and was at times fierce and personal. It is now up to the Iceland...
The Icelandic parliament is in turmoil in the third and final debate over Icesave. The parliament’s Budget Committee received last minute commun...
The natural resources of the Arctic region are unlikely to lead to any military conflict in the region according to new research by the Fridtjof Nanse...
The majority of Danes have declared that they are in favour of tougher painkiller laws, with a review of legislation that governs access to the medica...
The Premier of Greenland, Kuupik Kleist, has claimed that his country is at a crossroads with decisions to be made in the determining of the future of...
The world’s largest computer search engine will soon begin the digitalisation of Denmark’s literature for The Royal Library.
The troubled Danish financial institution Amagerbanken has finally succeeded in its application under the government’s second bank bailout to borrow D...
The feminist political party of Sweden has launched a new advertising campaign in time for Christmas which boldly features a logo boasting about its s...