Some Icelandic students take too much
Icelandic university students have claimed around 300 million kronur in unemployment benefits.
Topics and News related to Iceland
Icelandic university students have claimed around 300 million kronur in unemployment benefits.
Dirty Diaries, a montage of 12 pornographic films by Swedish feminist documentary maker Mia Engberg, was released last week, sparking considerable pub...
“The Dutch and the British government should look closer when blaming Iceland for the downfall of their banks,” said Eva Joly, high profile to Iceland...
Good news for the bigger-bottomed: Danish researchers have revealed that thin thighs may be hazardous to health. The findings, revealed last week, ind...
The British company E1 Entertainment have bought the distribution rights to the recently released Icelandic film Reykjavik Whale Watching Massacre. Ac...
In 2003, Eritrean man Tesfaldet Tesloy arrived in Sweden to start a new life with his brother, who had lived in the country for some 20 years. In 2006...
More than 150,000 Icelanders are logging in to the popular social networking website Facebook, according to the market research company Buzzpoint.
FTTH, or Fibre To The Home technology, continues to be dominated by Scandinavian countries in the latest statistics released by the FTTH Council Europ...