Brussels debates Iceland EU Application Today
The Icelandic application to join the European Union is expected to be discussed at a meeting of EU foreign ministers today in Brussels, Belgium. Peop...
Topics and News related to Iceland
The Icelandic application to join the European Union is expected to be discussed at a meeting of EU foreign ministers today in Brussels, Belgium. Peop...
As Denmark continues on its path to convert the nation’s television stations to a digital broadcasting system, many small stations are finding it diff...
Swedes, Norwegians and Danes were all victims of river-related drownings, in what proved to be a deadly weekend for outdoor recreationists in Scandina...
As more and more hardened gang members find themselves behind bars in Denmark, the prison service is discovering that these criminals are doing an imp...
Police in Iceland have a new and effective way to enforce traffic laws in the countryside. They will now be monitoring and following traffic violators...
A new poll suggests that the upstart Pirate Party could secure its first-ever seats in Sweden’s Riksdag if they continue to attract youthful voters. A...
The Lithuanian Parliament unanimously approved and gave full support for Iceland’s membership application to join the European Union today as well as ...
Police in Denmark claim that Copenhagen and other popular cities in the country are being targeted by con artist groups dominated by Roma from Romania...